Porphyry Culvert

Locale: Between Witset & Hazelton. If driving west from Witset, you will cross the bridge over East Boulder Creek then be on a long straight section of highway near the end of which the road dips down to cross Porphryry Creek. Watch for signs, and a pullout on the right immediately after the crossing. Park here, and walk down the old road to the culvert.
What It's Like: Park and Huck
Scouting: Yes - scout the culvert for wood that may be lodged before entering
Portages: Yes - portage over Hwy 16 to put in
Egress: Roadside
Level: No Gauge
Time: 20 min
When To Go: Summer months - after peak flows but before it gets to shallow.
Other Beta: Be careful crossing the highway
Porphyry culvert is a unique addition to the repertoire of river features to play on in the Bulkley Valley, and has graced the cover of at least one magazine article. A culvert that is large enough to paddle through, and that ends in a 6ft drop into a deep plunge pool making it the perfect place to practice your first drops.
Take out - in the pool into which the culvert will dump you. At higher flows, having safety set up at the outlet of the pool to catch boats is a good idea as the stream below the pool can be full of wood. Hike your boat back up and over the highway to do it again!
Put in - Cross the road from where you park (watch for traffic as they won't be expecting you!), and bushwack down to the creek. Get into your boat in the alders and seal launch into the shallow creek.
Gauge and Water Levels - no gauge. Walk down to the outlet of the culvert to assess the flow before hopping on.