More info to come! We will post here when we have future trips, lake sessions, kayak polo or other events lined up.
We will be offering another round of pool sessions this year!
Pool sessions are a great way to take your first steps towards kayaking, learn some new skills, or just brush off the cob webs after a season (or maybe a few seasons) off the water. We will be announcing pool session details closer to the time but expect one day a week for a couple weeks in April-May.
We are lucky enough to have the Bulkley Valley Pool offer the use of their facility and services to help run this program. Spots are limited and can be booked by calling the pool. Entry fee will be required for participants to use the facility. This will be paid at the front desk.
If you are new to kayaking and wish to participate -- amazing. No experience is necessary to join. We will aim to have enough boats and gear to outfit all participants. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!
If you've been around the block you are more than welcome to join in on the fun. If you are joining for the roll sessions and have extra gear kicking around that you would be willing to lend to those without gear, please bring it along (it all helps!)
We will be looking for volunteers to lend us gear/time/wisdom. Please reach out if you would be willing to contribute your time to teaching participants. There is no entry fee for volunteers.
Tatlow Tuesday is a weekly meetup for all paddlers of all abilities. Folks tend to show up from 6 pm onward to surf and enjoy the evening. Come enjoy the site or sit by the fire, whether you’re paddling or not! All paddlers are welcome and experienced paddlers are typically happy to provide a few tips and tricks. Keep in mind that river levels and hazards change throughout the season and paddlers will need to decide if conditions are suited to their ability.
All are welcome at Tatlow providing they have purchased a club membership. Membership is required for insurance purposes, any day of the week, and can be purchased at Aquabatics. Membership includes a key to the Tatlow gate . Tatlow Falls is private property which is graciously leased to the club each year.
*Tatlow Tuesday typically runs between June and September, water levels permitting.
Tatlowfest! - Dates TDB
We are hard at work getting this year's Tatlowfest organized. Stay tuned for updates!