Contact Us


We are a group of volunteers who want to continue growing a vibrant paddling community for all levels of paddlers. 

The current directors are:

Daniel Helm - President

Nick Meyer - Vice President

Seth van Varseveld - Treasurer

Chris Mclean - Director of Tatlow

Patrick Dunbar - Membership / Communications

Alex Seguin - Director at Large

Rebekah Richardson Duffy - Director at Large

Rob Maurer - Director at Large

If you wish to join the board or share your ideas for next year's club initiatives, feel free to touch base or come to our annual general meeting! 


Want to touch base?

We want to hear from you! To contact the club, send an email to:


Want to reach out?

Check out our facebook page here! Here you can see photos, share river updates, and plan trips with other paddlers in the Valley. 


Interested in contributing? 

Our annual general meeting is held each year in the fall and is open to all those interested. An announcement will be sent out to all members when a date is chosen.